Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Freedom Is...

As a Worship Leader, I am constantly on the hunt for new stuff.  Whether it's the latest worship song or a kickin' choir special.  There are seasons that are very dry when there seems to be nothing out there.  It's almost like all of the artists get together and decide not to release anything and then BAM!  They all release at the same time.

Well, I have been in one of those dry spells.  There is some great stuff out there that I have found and done here at Triumph, but I'm talking about a whole album that just rocks my world...  The last one was Ricardo Sanchez's album at Free Chapel - "Moving Forward".  Talk about amazing and life-changing.  It became the theme for last year's Summer of Transformation.  Powerful anointing on every song.

I'm PUMPED to say that I have found another album to rock my world.  Trent Cory's "Freedom Is" is just simply amazing.  Every track, every song, every lyric, every chord change is just incredible.  My friend from college, Julian Jones, tweeted one morning that he was jamming to "Mighty God".  I immediately bought the album on iTunes.  As usual with me, I don't get to listen to the albums right away.  I usually listen to stuff at the gym or while I am running.  I'll never forget listening to it the first time at Exygon.  It was all I could do to keep from singing at the top of my lungs.  (The fellow gym rats would not have appreciated that at all!)  I got through track 7, "The Love Of God", okay, but then "Oh How He Loves You And Me" came on, and I had to take a seat on the weight bench.  I just sat there for the entire 3:51 and took the song in.  It was like hearing the old hymn for the first time all over again.  I wanted to cry; I wanted to scream; I wanted to dance; I wanted to take a lap!!!  Seriously, I'm freaking out about this album right now!!!

If you are a member of Triumph, look to hear a lot of this music in the coming days.  It's fun to sing to, and it's even more fun to dance to!!  HAHA!

Worship has always been the weapon that I have used against the enemy when he comes at me with discouragement and trouble.  I'm grateful for any artist that has the guts to put their life on the line and produce an album hoping that someone's life will be changed.  Pastor Trent, this life is changed.  Thanks for your bravery and giving me more tools to use against the enemy!!!

Peace out--

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Bunny has gone...

Yeah, so I had the best of intentions of keeping my blog updated, but Easter happens to me every year.  Like most other holidays, I'm unable to relax and enjoy.  It's one of the benefits of being in ministry.  I'm not complaining, mind you, but it does make celebrating holidays a challenge.  

So, Easter is done, and I'm staring down the barrel of the Love Revolution.  What do you do with that?  So many possibilities.  The song choices are endless.  I want to do them all, but there are only 5 weeks left!!!  Decisions, decisions....

I've had lots of requests to blog about our infertility/adoption struggle, so I'll do my best to sort of catch you up on what all has happened up to this point.  I know that some of this information might embarrass Sara and me, but I am willing to take that risk if what we are going through helps someone else.  

It all started with Sara and me back in 2006.  We had been trying to get pregnant for almost a year at that point to no avail.  Sara was not feeling well and experiencing some strange symptoms, so we decided that she should see her doctor.  Well, we were told that there was a possibility that she had PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome.  There is no way to determine absolutely if you have the syndrome, but it is a reason for infertility in many women.  After a couple failed attempts at getting help from her doctor, we changed to Dr. Smith in Beaumont.  He was wonderful!  He and his wife had gone through the infertility battle and knew what we were going through.  We felt as though we were finally going to get some help.  He told us that there were some medications to try, but if they didn't work, they would have to check me out.

That's where I'll leave it for now.  More to come, I promise.  It's almost cathartic to write about this.  It reminds me of how far we have come and gives me hope for the future.

Now, I shall attack Love Revolution.  We're gonna have fun in the WAM department!!!

Peace out --